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Larisa Glushkova

ESL 91

Chapter #3


My Father


Each of us has one person, who has made a difference in our lives.  I would like to tell about my father because he is my friend and the topmost person in my life. His name is Boris. I always could tell him about my problems and I know that he always helped me. He lived with my mother 43 years and I never heard them fight. My sister and I grew up in love with our parents. My father has good energy. He is always optimistic and achieves his goals.                                                                                                                                                                                                                      My father was born in a small village in Siberia in North Russia in 1939. It was the time when the Second World War began and his father went in to the Army. He was the eldest son in the family. His father died in 1942 in the Second World War and my father lived with his mother and younger sister without a father. My grandmother never remarried because she loved her husband.  There were hard and hungry times for everyone in my country. However, my father kept his kind heart. My father, his sister and mother survived because they lived in a village. Living there helped them because they grew their own vegetables. Siberia has a cold climate and the land does not give as many vegetables as here. My father helped his mother grow potatoes, horseradish, cabbage and beets. They also had a cow, which gave them milk, butter and sour cream. He told me that he could not attend his first and second grades in wintertime because he did not have shoes.

            When he was fifteen years old, he went to work in a factory because he wanted to help his mother and at the same time, he went to night school. After finishing school, he did not stop and went to college. He dreamed about a career as a sailor and after college moved to Vladivostok, where there was a Marine academy.  During this period, my mother went to visit her brother in Vladivostok and met my father who was a friend of her brother. My father married my mom in 1962. My parents lived together 43 years and my father always helped my mother with housework. My family often traveled to different towns and some countries. My parents raised two daughters, my older sister Natalia and me. I know that to raise a child is not easy because I have my own daughter. Her name is Kristina, and she is nine years old.  I do not always have the strength and patience to be with my daughter as my father taught me. He also taught me to make independent decisions. He always listened to me and gave me a chance to choose my own way. He often told me historical tales and I liked to listen and debate with him because he knew history very well.

             When the Soviet Union was dissolved and times changed, my father opened his own printing shop in Kyrgyzstan. My mother, sister and her husband also worked there. It still is our family business. People who work with my father tell me that he is good person. He has a many friends and people who respect him because he is a very intelligent person. In my country, I lived a protected life. Then I won a Green Card and I wanted to try my luck in America.  My father respected my decision to go to the U.S.A. However, I know my family is worried about my daughter our life here, and me. Some years ago, when I dreamed about changes in my life, my father supported me in my decision. I came to the U.S.A. two years ago. It was hard time for my daughter and me. We came to a country with a different culture.

When I was nine years old, my father brought me in to the sport school. In this school I studied how to play volleyball and run. One year the same time I did both, but after I am chose running and gave all my strength to this sport. I went by studion three times a week and I was happy when I saw my advancement. After three years, I think about my career in sport, but fortune to tern away me. I got sick and was in the hospital for 40. After my illness I can’t make more exercises and running because my doctor prohibited me from doing it. He told me that I could not lift up more than five pounds for one year. It was finish my career in sport, but my father gave me advice to go in tailor school. I had many spare time and make a decision to study embroider, I studied nine month’s .This is course gave for me big support in adult life when I had work like tailor.

            My father is a successful person because he has a good family, interesting job, and many friends. During the wartime, he was able to survive, finish school and graduate college. He raced two daughters; my sister and I love him. My father has a big role in my life because he was a good example and role model for the type of man my sister and I looked for and married. I am grateful to my parents for my happy childhood because now that I am older and understand life better. I realize how happy and safe I felt during those early years.


Larisa Glushkova


Draft # 3

Topic: Nutrients


Explain, why it is an important for understand the basic principles of died and nutrition. How does this understanding help us in our every day lives.


            We are indeed what we eat-and it shows in everything from our stamina and strength to the sheen in our hair and the glow in our cheeks.  Eating will helps us live and feel well. The foods that we eat are called nutrients. Nutrients are categorized into five major groups: proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. These categories are not considered nutritional equals. For the sake of good health, you need some food from all the groups every day, but in different amounts. The Food Guide Pyramid, with five food groups, has many kinds of foods that promotion health.  Also, we need water because 70 percent of our body is built from water.

            Water, which makes up 85 percent of blood, 70 percent of muscles, and about 75 percent of the brain, performs many essential functions. It carries nutrients, maintains temperature, lubricates joints, helps with digestion, rids the body of waste though urine, and contributes to the production of sweat, which evaporates from the skin to cool the body. Research has correlated high fluid intake with a lower risk of kidney stones, colon cancer, and bladder cancer.

            Every day our body needs proteins. Proteins form the basic framework for our muscles, bones, blood, and hair and fingernails. Supplying 4 calories per gram, they are made of combinations of 20 amino acids, 9 of which we must get from our diet because the human body cannot produce them. These are called essential amino acids. Animal proteins- meat, fish, poultry, and dairy products-are complete proteins that provides the nine essential amino acids. Grains, dry beans, and nuts are incomplete proteins that may have relatively low levels of one or two essential amino acids but, fairly high levels of others. Combining incomplete proteins, such as beans and rice, ensures that the body gets sufficient protein.

            Carbohydrates are organic compounds that provide our brains and bodies with glucose, their basic fuel. The major sources of carbohydrates are plants-including grains, vegetables, fruits, beans and milk. There are three types: simple carbohydrates, complex carbohydrates, and fiber. Simple carbohydrates include natural sugars, such as the lactose in milk and the fructose in fruit; and added sugars, including candy and other sweets. Complex carbohydrates are the foundation of a healthy diet and include grains, cereals, vegetables, beans and nuts. Fiber sources include wheat, corn, bran, leafy greens, and the skins of fruits and root vegetables, and seeds.

            Fats carry the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K, aid in their absorption in the intestine, protect organs from injury, regulate body temperature, and play an important role in growth and development. They provide 9 calories per gram- more than twice the amount in carbohydrates or proteins. Fats have two forms: saturated and unsaturated. Unsaturated fats, like oils, are likely to be liquid at room temperature, and saturated fats, like butter, are likely to be solid. In general, vegetable and fish oil are unsaturated, and animal fats are saturated.

How much fat is okay? Both high-and low-fat diets can be unhealthy and its related health dangers like heart disease or obesity.

            Many health experts feel that the best way to make sure your body gets the vitamins and minerals it needs is to eat a wide variety of foods. The body produces some vitamins, such as vitamin D, which is manufactured in skin after exposure to sunlight. Other vitamins must be ingested such as vitamins A, E, K, B (1-12) and C. Vitamins, which help put proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to use, are essential in regulating growth, maintaining tissue, and releasing energy from foods. Together with the enzymes in the body, they help produce the right chemical reactions at the right times. They’re also involved in the manufacture of blood cells, hormones, and other compounds. Minerals that help build bones and teeth, aid in muscle function, and help our nervous system transmit messages.

            We are indeed what we eat and it shows in everything from our stamina and strength to the sheen in our hair and the glow in our cheeks. I know that many American people have problems with extra weight. Every year the U.S.A. spends a lot of money for protect and treat of serious diseases related to eating disorders. We can buy everything in our life with money, except our health. No one food can provide all the nutrients we need. To make sure you consume a healthful variety, the federal Dietary Guidelines suggest that you “let the Pyramid guide your food choices”. Understanding the basic principles of diet and nutrition can help us in our every day lives. To eat is a necessity, but eating is an art.



Larisa Glushkova





           Dear Dr. Singer,

I have read your interview about global warming. You write that global warming and climate changes are a natural phenomenon, and climate keeps changing all the time and humans are not responsible for global warming. I disagree with your point of view because I believe that humans have big influence on climate changes and global warming. 

 I believe that Global warming the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Industrial Revolution brought many new, exciting inventions into our lives to simplify our lives and make them more efficient.  Such inventions included cars, household appliances and plant that burn solid waste, fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal, and wood and wood products for fuel. Before the Industrial Revolution, human activities caused very few gases to be released in to the atmosphere, but now scientists say, through the burning of fossil fuels and large population growth and deforestation, humans are affecting the mixture of gases in the atmosphere.  This mixture of gases in the atmosphere is causing the worldwide problem known as Global warming.

             The earth has a natural “greenhouse effect” which is caused by energy from the sun controlling the earth’s weather and climate, and heats the earth’s surface. In response to the sun, the earth radiates energy back into space. Atmospheric greenhouse gases such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other gases,   trap the energy leaving the earth and retain it as heat, much like a greenhouse ceiling. This is  a natural and necessary  effect;  without it  temperatures on earth would  be much lower than they  are now and  life  as it is  today would not be possible, but  with the effect the earth’s  average temperature is more comfortable and life-supporting 60 degrees Fahrenheit.                           

               The problems that have arisen with the greenhouse effect have occurred due to the increase in atmospheric greenhouse gases. I  read in the newspaper  that data  collected over  the last 100 years shows  that the average land surface temperature has risen between .8 and one  degree Fahrenheit. Precipitation has increased around one percent  over the globe and the sea level has  risen approximately 6-8 inches, approximately 1-2 inches of the rise caused by melting mountain  glaciers and another 1-4 inches  has resulted from the expansion of the ocean water as a result of the warmer ocean temperatures.                                                                                                                      I believe that the increase in greenhouse gas concentration, especially of carbon dioxide, is being caused by the combustion of fossil fuels and other human activities. Fossil fuels burned to run cars and tracks, heat homes and businesses and power factories are responsible for about 98 percents of the total U.S. emission of carbon dioxide, 24 percent of the methane emissions and 18 percents of oxide emissions. Also contributing a significant share of emissions is the increase in agriculture, deforestation, landfills, and industrial productions.

            People can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases being mixed into the atmosphere.  People may using public transportation, walking or biking to school or work. The scientists also recommend using energy-efficient appliances in our houses. Yet another suggestion is to require citizens to drive electric cars. A less popular action would be to limit the amount of gasoline available to each citizen over a certain amount of time, making them unable to contribute any more pollutants than anyone else is allowed.                                                                                  I disagree with your point of view that climate changes are a natural phenomenon. I believe that humans have big influence on climate changes and global warming. Citizens can get involved with organizations to attract the attention of the government as well as following a couple of the suggestions made above. People can   drive less, or use  more  efficient cars, smoke less, even cigarette and pipe smoke are pollutants,  and  replace their appliances  and  household products with  more  energy  efficient ones. Global warming is a problem, and it won’t go away without the cooperation of the world and it is inhabitants.

            Thank you, for spending your time in reading my letter



